4 Wellbeing check-ins during lockdown

Being stuck in a lockdown can drain your energy!

I have never suffered from depression or anxiety so I think knowing about it will help to identify when do we need help.

There are a couple of check-ins that you can track easily to determine when do you need to take action for your wellbeing.

⭐️ Check your feelings: Score how stressed you are. If you feel that your score is continuously high, it is time to prioritize your mental health.

⭐️ Check your body: Notice if you have tension in any part of your body. also, if you feel difficult to breathe or too thirsty.

⭐️ Check your sleep: If you are finding it difficult to sleep, waking during the night these are signs your mind is unable to relax.

⭐️ Check your thoughts,: If you are getting worried, and thinking in the worse case scenarios.

If you feel that you are struggling with your mental health, It is ok to call for help.

The Beyond Blue Support Service gives every person in Australia the opportunity to talk through his or her concerns with a trained mental health professional. People who access the service can receive a brief one-on-one counseling session to address an immediate concern, as well as receive information and advice on continuing to seek support.

There are three ways to access the service:

Call 1300 22 4636, any time of the day or night
Send an email via the Beyond Blue website
Select the web chat option on the Beyond Blue website, www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport, available 24/7