How to work with Moon Energy

If you’re unfamiliar with moon energy, you might think it’s something connected to witches or unsuitable for you.

But what if I tell you that everybody can cultivate a state of flow, peaceful productivity and abundance by harnessing the natural rhythms of the moon? It might not sound easy – but actually it is. Using the lunar cycles can help us to improve clarity, set intentions and focus on what we want to achieve from life.


Why the Moon?

Historically, humanity has based time trackers on the Sun, Moon, and Stars. It was so vital, they turned them into a reliable source to create a calendar using both the Sun and Moon. The Moon calendar may not be used today as much as before, but it has played a big role in people’s lives for ages.

The Moon is the closest celestial body to the Earth, its energy has influenced the ocean tides, our autonomic physiology, subconscious mind, psychology, sleep, and dream as much as our lifestyle does. ( See complete studies from Current Biology gathered the first scientifically measured Evidence that the Lunar Cycle Influences Human Sleep)

While modern society no longer relies on the moon as ancestors once did, following moon phases can give you a deep sense of connection to the cycles of nature, and boost mindfulness. You can discover the magic that already exists within you, and keep you working toward your life goals and soul path.



Using the Lunar Cycle (Moon Phases)

The moon changes, transforms, completes and dissolves, just like us.


Although there are 8 moon phases, let’s focus on the the main energies from the 4 Moon phases to make it easy!



Moon Phases | Authentically Venus


New Moon

Keyword: Beginnings

The new moon is a perfect time to plant the seeds for a new beginning, for example, starting a new habit or project. During this time, it’s good to start diets, healthy treatments, launch businesses, or work on personal development.

Like a blank page, you can begin the next chapter of your life, you can work on areas of life that need more abundance. Think of it as a time to reset and improve clarity. 


First Quarter

Keywords: Growing, Evolve, Expand

This is the time to develop the skills that you need to achieve the goals that you set during the New Moon. Time to work hard, to keep your motivation, overcome limited beliefs. You can connect with your intuition and follow your instincts in order to grow, evolve, and expand.


Full Moon

Keyword: Abundance, Gratitude, Celebrate

The Full Moon is the time to celebrate your wins. Imagine that you have the light spot over you, it is a good time to show yourself in front of other people, and celebrate your accomplishments. Also, it can illuminate things that you didn’t see or didn’t want to see before – a time to let go of the old.


Last Quarter

Keyword: Release, Set boundaries

You can feel tired, and without energy during this lunar cycle. It is good to rest, and roll up your sleeves, and dive into some spiritual/self-growth work. It’s time to identify at least one area of your life that is getting in the way of fulfilling your goals, and work toward releasing that in your life.

When you release something in your life, you are also making space for something new.


Moon and Astrological signs

The moon is constantly moving through different zodiac signs, changing signs every 2 days. During these days we can feel the influence of each sign, and knowing the energy signs can help to make the best of it in our daily life.

While I am not an expert in Astrology, I find that incorporating the astrological associations, enhances the work with the moon phases.


Aries ♈︎: 

We can feel that we want everything right now. We dare to do new things, we might react impulsively. Have the energy to launch projects. We might have the feeling that our mind is agile.


Taurus ♉︎:

On these days we enjoy things that please us, like a good dinner, rest, acts of self-love, or we might feel passionate.

On the other hand, we can be stubborn, immovable in our postures. These days the issue of values ​​and money takes relevance. We want to feel secure.


Gemini ♊︎:

Good days for communication, we might feel agile mentally, our curiosity is awakened, on the other hand, we can be a little scattered and indecisive. We want to connect with others.


Cancer ♋︎:

When the moon is in this sign we want to feel at home, we might be very sensitive, and experience emotional overload. It is a good day to take care of ourselves, for rituals, to light candles, take a hot bath and listen to ourselves.


Leo ♌︎: 

We feel creative during this time, we want to shine and be seen. We must be careful not to draw attention from drama. It’s a good day to strengthen our confidence, to stand out for our talents, and to connect from our heart.


Virgo ♍︎:

We feel practical and analytical. It is a good day to organize spaces, finances. These are good days to establish healthy routines. We might feel efficient, and it is possible to feel that we want to take control of a situation or over-analyze.


Libra ♎︎:

The focus is on relationships of any kind. We feel balanced, calm. Time to connect with others, understand them and speak with justice.


Scorpio ♏︎:

The intensity in all aspects is felt when the moon is in this sign. We might feel our emotions deeply. It is a good day to connect spiritually. Try to slow down the revolutions of our emotions and thoughts. These days allow us to have greater compassion for ourselves.


Sagittarius ♐︎:

We feel optimistic, We feel like changing routines, traveling, and exploring. We feel confident and capable of anything, wanting to guide and teach others. Furthermore, we can also be a bit stubborn in our beliefs and our positions, be careful to believe that only you are right.


Capricorn ♑︎:

We feel the need to be useful. We must be careful with overwork, as this leads us to isolation and loneliness. It is a good day to give structure to our projects and long-term goals.


Aquarius ♒︎:

We feel passionate, we want to connect with others, and do things unconventionally. We can take advantage of this energy if we need to take action to make a big change.


Pisces ♓︎:

These days we feel dreamy, but also we might be distracted. These are good days to connect spiritually. We might feel artistic and creative. Also, good days for endings and closing cycles.


If you would like to be aware of this energy and cultivate a state of flow, peace, productivity, and abundance by harnessing the natural and basic phases of the moon in 2022 I recommend the Moon calendar 2022.

*This Calendar is Based on the Southern Hemisphere.