The ultimate list for self-discovery journaling prompts

Sometimes you can get lost in the day-to-day routine. Forget your dreams, your values and keep going direct to a waterfall.

I used to let my stress-induced thoughts take control of me – to where I felt like I should only be working and never make time for myself – that I lost who I was.

But I found that journaling helped to break that rut. If your want to pursue this journey of self-discovery so you become the most authentic version of yourself, then I challenge you to use the prompts below.

1. What does your dream life look like? Describe it in detail.
2. What does your ideal day look like?
3. Where do you see yourself in 6 months? A year? 5 years? 10 years?
4. At this moment, what are four things you’re grateful for?
5. What limiting beliefs do you have that are keeping you from reaching your dream life?
6. What actions can you take today to simplify your life?
7. What values do you consider most important in life (honesty, justice, altruism, loyalty, etc.)? How do your actions align with those values?
8. What do you appreciate most about your personality? What aspects do you find harder to accept?
9. When do you trust yourself most? When do you find it harder to have faith in your instincts?
10. Write down your top 10 goals to complete by the end of the year.
11. What does happiness mean to you?
12. If today was your last day, what would you do?
13. What do you need more of in your life?
14. What are three things that can instantly disrupt a good mood and bring you down? What strategies do you use to counter these effects?
15. What are 10 things you love about yourself? Why?
16. If you couldn’t fail, what would you do?
17. What’s your favourite memory?
18. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do, but were too scared of?
19. At the end of life, what would you want to be remembered by?
20. Set a 2-minute timer and write down whatever comes to your mind.

Will you accept the challenge?